The warm weather means one thing: Sandal season is here.
Get ready to feel the grass, beach or surf beneath your feet with the following heel-to-toe beauty tips from the American Podiatric Medical Association.
* After soaking, slough away calluses around the heels, balls and sides of your feet with a pumice stone or foot file. Avoid using a foot razor because it removes too much skin and can easily cause infection and permanent damage if used incorrectly.
* Eliminate dry skin and calluses by using an exfoliant scrub on the soles, sides and tops of your feet. Rub in circular motions and be sure to thoroughly rinse off the scrub. Pat feet dry, paying special attention to the area between your toes. Moisture can promote the development of athlete’s foot or other fungal infections.
* Clip toenails with a straight-edge toenail clipper to ensure they do not become curved or rounded in the corners. Toenails should be trimmed to just above the top of each toe.
* Remove buildup under your toenails with a wooden or rubber manicure stick. Do not use a sharp tool to clean under your nail because you may puncture the skin and leave it vulnerable to...