Steroids have been in existence since 1930s, and since then they are popular among all the massive guys that you see in the glossy magazines or on stages. This is completely illicit, if athletes, bodybuilders or sports person make use of steroids for enhancing their performance levels. Steroids are effective, if used in proper quantities and as per instructions. These have been used for a variety of medical purposes comprising the bone growth stimulation, muscle escalation, appetite and pubescence.
Most of you people are totally ignorant about the common side effects of steroids. But its rather important to get familiar with steroids and their effects before using them. There are many steroids available in the market including EPO, Anadrol, Ephedrine, Anavar, Dynabolon, Andriol, Enanthate, Arimidex, Dianabol, Clenbuterol, Deca durabolin, Clomid, Cypionate, Cytadren, Cytomel, Esiclene, Lasix, Equipose, Growth Hormone, Essentiale forte, Halotestin, Masteron, HCG, Propionate, Thiomucase cream, Winstrol Depot, Nolvadex, Proviron, Omnadren and Stanozolol.
You can take steroids orally in form of pills, or inject with a needle. You can buy steroids both offline and...