Getting a car loan with bad credit does not have to mean a hassle or incredibly high monthly payments. You do not have to search for one of those high priced buy here, pay here lots. Even with bad credit you can get an affordable car loan. For a lot of people having a car is very important.
It is the only way they can to get where they need to go. When a borrower has bad credit, it can really put a strain on getting a car loan. It helps to know some pointers for securing a car loan with a bank that wont cost an outrageous amount.
The first thing to do when trying to secure a car loan when you have bad credit is to be honest. It is very important to tell dealers up front that you have bad credit. Also make it clear that you do want multiple credit inquires. When companies access your credit report it causes a drop in your credit score.
By having too many requests your credit could be damaged further, making it harder for you to get a car loan. If you are honest with dealers up front this should avoid too many inquires as they will only go through lenders that are open to bad credit lending.
The next thing you should do is have all your documentation...