People with a bad credit history will find it difficult to get a new credit card. Nevertheless, they can still obtain a credit card in spite of a bad credit by following these steps.
1. Make a credit card application on small retailer stores. These companies are still willing to gamble on people with bad credit history. When they accept your application, you should purchase only on small amounts using your credit card. Pay your minimum expenses every month within the specified time. It will save you from paying higher interest’s charges. Late payments will negatively affect your credit rating. Never go over the 30-day period limit before paying.
2. Go to a bank, credit union, or savings institution where you do most of your business transactions. They have your business, so they may also give you a chance to get a particular credit card.
3. If you failed on the first and second step, then it is much better for you to choose a secured credit card. A secured credit card is requiring the holder to open a savings account and maintain it. It will serve as a security on your credit lines. Whatever amount of money you have deposited on your account, some of...