Student loans are sometimes not enough to sustain you during university, especially during the tougher times. Even if you have a part-time job as well, there are times when some students need more than they have at the moment. If you are one of these students, then you should look at applying for a student hardship loan. If you want to know more, here are some tips about how to get a student hardship loan.
What is a hardship loan?
A student hardship loan is a loan to help students who are in real financial difficulty due to unforeseen circumstances. These loans were introduced in 1998, and you are eligible if you have applied for the maximum student loan available to you. You can apply to borrow between 100 and 500, which of course you need to pay back. You can only make one application for a hardship loan in an academic year, and it must be one month before the end of that year. You can apply for the loan through the student services department at your university.
Who is eligible?
Eligibility depends on how bad your financial situation is. Usually hardship loans are only given to those who have exhausted other means of finance, and without the loan...