Getting a Web Site Can Be Fast, Easy, and Inexpensive When You Know Your Options
So what do you do if need to get a web site but you’re not sure how to go about getting one. The good news is you have several options. To help determine which option is best for you, ask yourself the following five questions:
1) How computer literate am I?
2) How easily do I learn new computer programs?
3) How much time am I willing to put into this?
4) Is this the best use of my time?
5) How much money am I willing to spend?
If you are fairly computer literate, learn new software programs fairly easily, and are willing to spend some time, one of the cheapest ways to get a web site is to build it yourself.
You can use off-the-shelf software such as Microsoft FrontPage and either design your site yourself, or purchase a pre-designed template to make it even easier. The good news is you will be able to update your site as much as you want and it won’t cost you a dime.
If you have little time or interest in learning how to build a web site on your own, you have several options. First, you can use an online “Click and...