It is a fact of modern life that credit cards are an increasingly essential financial tool. There are many situations in which if you do not have a credit card, you will either be unable to pay for goods and services, or to take up special promotions. There are also countless more situations when having a credit card will simply be extremely convenient. Credit cards are also safer than carrying large amounts of cash around with you, especially when you travel.
Well, first of all you should be over 18 years of age. You will also need a job or some form of regular income. These are then main criteria and if you can demonstrate them well, you will probably not have much trouble getting approval. You may have had a card in the past that you failed to pay or some other blemish on your credit report. If this is the case, you will find it more difficult to get a card.
Credit Rating
Your credit history plays a very significant role when it comes to assessing who will be approved for credit and who will not. It is based on personal information, your salary, if there have been defaults or court judgments awarded against you, and a...