There was a time when being self-employed meant that you would have a very hard time ever getting any credit from a bank. This was pretty much accepted as one of the downsides to self-employment that would go hand in hand with all the benefits such as freedom to control your own working life and only answering to yourself.
It is however, still the case that for people who are new to self-employment and cannot prove a steady income over at least a year or more, it can be very difficult to get loans. However, if youve been operating successfully for even just a year, you will start to find that banks are more than willing to consider your circumstances and give you a fair shot at proving your credit worthiness.
There is a strong view that being self-employed offers less security than being employed by a well respected and trusted large company. However, this perception is also changing. Gone are the days when people were employed by the same company for their entire working life, where they would gradually work their way up the corporate ladder and retire to a secure pension.
Banks are increasingly aware that the employment landscape has changed enormously...