Getting Contact And Order Information From Interested Web Site Visitors.
How do I create a web page that allows visitors to my web site to submit their contact information to me?
Let’s pretend that you are a very serious amateur photographer and you have a web site where you show off some of your photographs. Also suppose that you’d like to offer prints of your photographs for sale on your web site. We’re not talking about drugstore prints; we’re talking about framed, professional quality prints that hang in your home or office. It seems like a huge task to create an online order system as you offer various sizes of prints with various frames and different mattes. The simplest option is to create a web page with a form to collect contact and other information from a prospective customer. This information is emailed to you when they submit the form. You can then follow up with the prospective customer, finding out their needs and quoting a price.
This scenario works well in environments where order volume is low enough that an automated order processing system is not required. The example of higher-end customized photography fits this...