Theres nothing worse than deciding to try a new brand of product and finding that they just arent as good as your usual one. Its worth the try sometimes to quantify just how good a product really is, because after using or having the same thing for a long period of time you can lose the appreciation of the item.
Just like fashion, its also amusing to see trends come and go. And then there are the times where the hardcore fan will tell you that they knew the product was cool all that time. I have a brother that is one of those very loyal nothing else will do fans. Particularly when it comes to Jeeps.
Its not until you see someone who is really into them that you notice just how much paraphernalia can be associated with one vehicle. Strangely enough, its not just what the individual collects; its all the things that get given to him because people know how much he loves them. Unfortunately for him, his wife just doesnt see the same appeal in all the things he has collected over the years. You see while jeep stuff might be appealing for a guy it doesnt really give a house that homely feeling. There is only so many ways of decorating with posters, stickers, cups, key...