We all know the feeling of going out to make our cold calls, only to be shot down by the person at the front desk who looks at us as nothing more than a solicitor.
These front desk people would be otherwise known as the gate keepers.
Lets face it, getting passed the gate keeper can be tough, we are on their turf, what they say goes. Any slight resistance could end up with them making a call to security.
Here are few really good tips on getting passed the gate keeper that have been proven to work.
1. Ask to speak with someone in the sales department.
The next time you are out cold calling, the last thing you want to do is walk into an office building, approach the front desk, and immediately try to sell your product.
Instead, try this approach. Walk up to the receptionist counter, introduce yourself verbally and with a business card, and ask if you may speak with someone in their sales or retail department.
By asking to speak with someone in a specialized department, the receptionist will believe you are there on official business and put you in contact with that department.
Now that you are in front of someone in the same...