As we grow older, our waistlines often grow with us in an unwanted manner. Fortunately, we can get rid of our belly with a tuck procedure.
Getting Rid Of That Belly With A Tuck
Life leads all of us down a road of ruin for our midsections. Things we do not want to droop go ahead and droop. Things that were once flat, now have definite rolling waves. This last problem is known as the every expanding belly and evidence of it can be found in increased pant sizes. With plastic surgery, we can turn time back on this particular problem.
One of the more popular procedures performed by plastic surgeons is the belly tuck. Often referred to as a tummy tuck, the procedure will have you pulling out those old jeans and bathing suits you saved for years on the chance you would lose some weight naturally.
The procedure is designed to accomplish three things. Obviously, the removal of excessive fat is the primary goal. Skin, however, may also be removed to get that tight look following the procedure. Finally, most procedures will also focus on tightening up the abdominal muscles a bit to support that new flat stomach look you are after. The procedure takes two...