Getting Started – Selling On – Free Online Auctions
If you haven’t sold on before it can be understandably a daunting prospect. However with just a few tools, a bit of hard work and a busy marketplace you could well be on the road to earning extra cash!
QxBid has of course become a phenominal success with millions of items bought and sold through it every year. Many have started with no or very little knowledge of the online auction marketplace yet despite this have developed very profitable businesses. Still more sellers use eBay simply as an avenue to earn extra cash to suppliment their regular jobs. Whether your aims are to grow an existing business, start a new one or to pay for lifes little luxuries then you will find eBay provides opportunites for all.
Ok so you want to get started selling on online auctions ? We have compiled a very basic checklist of things that will help you get started and also things that you may not have thought of.
[1] What to sell?
Whilst it is true that a lot of people start off selling bits and pieces that they have around the house and garage this will not always be...