Getting Started Today Is Crucial To Having Massive Success Tomorrow
Millions each day (if not more) are afflicted with and effected by the habit of procrastination. How many times have we all said, “Oh, I’ll do it tomorrow”?
Procrastination will kill your dreams faster than you can even have them.
Here’s the simple, straight forward reason why: You can’t succeed at something until it exists.
Or, put another way: everything that physically exists (whether it’s a painting, a city, a relationship, a career or a friendship) had to have been born first. And all physical things are born out of an action.
So when we procrastinate, we take no action and consequently – nothing is born.
Do you want financial freedom?
– Then you need to take action.
Do you want to own your own home or be your own boss?
– Then you need to take action.
Do you want massive success?
Guess what? Tomorrow never comes. It never does.
I used to get like a deer in headlights, frozen in my tracks, when it came to reaching...