When you are totally cash strapped yourself, it is pretty darn difficult to maintain sound judgment when someone tells you that they know how to make extra money. You might know that whatever making extra money ideas that they have could be pretty much a hair-balled get rich quick scheme. But then, part of you wants so much to believe in it. After all, people do get lucky right?
You might be down on your luck, working for minimum wage in a gas station, but this cannot be all that life has in store for you, right? Maybe whatever particular sales person you’re coming across, be it in the classifieds or online, it has just what you need to help you in your quest for those making extra money. Being flat broke can be a harrowing experience and so most people will take any out that they think they can.
Most people tend to look for a quick solution to making extra money, and this makes them more susceptible to being exploited more than they are in the current place in life. It is so easy to think that you’ll find your way to making extra money through some crackpot Internet investment scheme. If you try hard enough, you might convince yourself that this one...