Credit cards can be like jewels. Some can be very good, while others can be just average. There are credit cards that have reputations as being elite, hard to get, and very prestigious. The general consensus is that these are also the most difficult cards to get. Many people believe that if their credit isn’t prefect or if they are not over a certain age, these cards are all but impossible to be approved for.
The truth is very few people have perfect credit, and age is far less important than other criteria in determining whether or not an individual will be granted a particular card.
There are a few things that you should consider before applying for one of the very best credit cards. Knowing in advance where you stand is always a good idea, and it may save you the trouble of applying for a card that you probably cannot qualify for.
How is your past credit? That is one of the most important questions that you need to answer. The very best way to know what your past credit history looks like is to get copies of all three credit reports that are currently being held on you. Federal law mandates that all consumers be given one free copy of their credit...