I would venture to believe that most people have the qualities to make them a success. Then why are not more of them successful? One observation is; by not following through on actions that they started with. They have victory in sight and then do you want to know what they do?
Settle For Mediocrity!
Have you ever known someone who was full of immediate action with no ultimate purpose? Their body is moving, their hands are busy, but their destination is unclear! Even when their actions apparently seem right, they show they’re not fully aware of where they’re going.
Since they’re not really sure of where they’re going, they settle for something less than what they started after. Here’s an example: You decide you need to get some area of your life under control. Maybe you decide you need to stop worrying. And, that’s a good thing. That’s a very worthy goal to pursue.
So, you begin to read good motivational books, you listen to good motivational tapes and you’re busy as you can be to get this worry bug under your foot. But, all the time you’re doing this, there is a nagging thought in your head that...