Since thousands of domain names are registered everyday it is a really very difficult to get a domain name of single phrase in English language and other major languages. Given below are some tips to guide you to decide a domain name of single phrase.
Avoid Messing around with the New Domains
Most of the good domain names are already registered and owned by someone. Don’t settle for number-ridden or a hyphenated domain name unless it is really unavoidable. Dont despair because with some lucks you would be able to get some good domain names by backordering domain names about to expire in anticipation that the domain would be deleted and made available again.
So what are the resources which you need to know and understand to find expiring time of domains?
1. A good source for domain names already deleted, about to be deleted with info about rank popularity and many other useful advices and tips.
2. This website has a search feature which helps you to see on-hold domain names and expiring domain names by keywords. This is most important and a core resource for finding those domains that you want to...