Ginseng is the most famous Chinese herb. It is the most widely recognized plant used in traditional medicine. Various forms of ginseng have been used in medicine for more than 7000 years. Several species grow around the world, and though some are preferred for specific benefits, all are considered to have similar properties as an effective general rejuvenator.
Ginseng is a slow growing perennial herb (reaches about 2 feet tall) native to the mountainous area of north eastern China, Korea and far eastern regions of Russia. The older the root, the greater the concentration of ginsenosides, the active chemical compounds, thus the more potent the ginseng becomes. Ginseng roots can live longer than hundreds of years. Ginseng has been cultivated extensively in China, Korea, and Japan, and Russia. Ginseng starts flowering in fourth year, and the roots take 4-6 years to reach maturity. Ginseng is a protected herb in China and Russia: exporting ginseng seeds is banned in China, and harvesting wild ginseng is illegal in Russia. Natural white ginseng is often steam- processed to produce “red ginseng” with different, higher medicinal potency.
It is used to reduce...