Your best friend or sister just performed a miraculous featshe gave birth! Yea, lets all give her a hand!! No really, I mean lets give her a handa helping hand. Because all new moms (unless they have a full time nanny and maid staff) need help. Your friend will soon realize that her newborn needs constant care, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Needless to say, in a 24/7 clock, its hard to squeeze in time for the kinds of activities that keep a woman sane, like walking, getting her hair done or taking a yoga class, not to mention, showering, eating and sleeping!
After I gave birth to twins I quickly realized, both from personal experience and witnessing other new moms around me, that many new moms are stressed, overwhelmed and under supported. And, we all know that stress, exhaustion and lack of support, negatively impact a mothers ability to parent. It is true that a relaxed, joyful and supported mom is a better mom who raises happier children.
Now, youre a good friend and you want your friend to be relaxed and well-adjusted (if only for the kids sake.) And wellI know you dont need a Whats-in-it-for-me? reason, but here it is anyway; if you...