In our lives, days are not always the same. On some days we feel great, other times we have worries. Sometimes we are relaxed, other times we are tensed with worries on our mind.
In these conditions, friends, even the best foods will not be digested-at least properly that is. In addition, considering the many abominable food combinations most of our meals are prepared under and the general use of junk and unnatural substances for consumption, eating when dealing with a problem will quite simply lead to fermentation and poisoning of the body as these items will never be digested.
Strong emotions that characterize depression such as worry, fear, sadness and anger stop the rhythmic conditions of the stomach walls and dry out the stomach as well. As a matter of fact, too much joy and happiness will do likewise.
If you observe angry and frightened animals and even babies, they have a tendency to refrain from eating, until after a passage of considerable time, these emotional states have passed off.
Moreover, it is true that under stressful circumstances many civilized people refrain from eating and find in truth that they lack the desire for food, but it...