Give Your Pet A Ticket Home Taking Steps for Pet Safety
Losing a pet is a devastating experience, and in fact, according to a recent survey, four in five pet owners consider losing a pet to be more traumatic than losing a job, getting in a car accident or breaking a bone. Although no pet owner ever wants to believe a beloved pet is lost or missing, there is a good chance it might happen. “One in three pets will get lost during a lifetime,” said Marty Becker, DVM. “That adds up to 10 million pets that are lost every year in the United States, and without proper identification only one in 10 will be reunited with his or her owner.”
One way to help ensure a lost pet is recovered is by encouraging pet owners to speak with their veterinarian about microchipping. Microchipping is a safe and permanent form of pet identification.
Gina King of Soledad, California, knows the value of microchips firsthand. “I spent months looking for my Shih Tzu, Radar, who ran out the front door as our children left for school,” said Gina. “I had just about given up hope of ever finding him when, a year and a half later, I got a phone call...