It’s every pet owners nightmare- your dog is lost. Your dog is outside facing the elements and the dangers all alone. You don’t know where they are and you have no idea how to go about finding them.
Most dogs just love to explore and some breeds are more prone to straying further than others. Hunting dogs like beagles are even more adventurous than other kinds of dogs and will quickly stray out of sight.
It’s not just hunting dogs that can go missing. Dogs and cats escape all the time. Whether its the dog that escapes underneath your feet as you open the door or the cat who has escaped over the weekend. Pets also face all kinds of dangers while traveling with their owners.
If youre pet does get lost finding them soon will reduce the threat of serious harm coming to them. A pet that is lost after nightfall has significantly less chance of being found safe and returned alive. The cold temperatures and dangers of traffic are increased and your pet becomes more vulnerable to attack by wild animals too.
If this all sounds like a nightmare to you there is a method of keeping track of your pet which might alleviate your worries. Using...