Some people who have studied global issues would say there was no such thing as global warming and it is all a big hoax. However, others disagree and believe that since the industrial revolution, we are having a negative affect on our environment.
The best place to start is to look at what we have already been led to believe.
The Greenhouse effect is the relationship between the earth and the sun. The sun provides the earth with the heat and energy it needs and the earth releases back that energy into space.
The greenhouse effect comes into play as the gases in the earth trap that energy so that it cannot be released back into space therefore, warming the earths environment.
The greenhouse effect is a natural process and vital to our survival, without it, the earth would be cold.
Gases such as Methane, Carbon dioxide and water vapour all trap energy from the sun and enable the warming of the earth.
It is commonly known that plants provide Carbon dioxide (C02), but not so commonly known that plants also remove carbon dioxide.
This is because, when a plant dies and is buried into the earth, these plants become fossil fuel which is...