If you or somebody you care about is struggling with fatigue, autoimmune disorders, or a life threatening illness, glyconutrients can help. These all natural plant based ‘raw materials’ help support your body’s ability to produce special structures called glycoproteins. Glycoproteins directly affect the ability of your cells to communicate with each other so they are functioning correctly. Everybody responds and fights disease the best when your cells are communicating effectively.
Most bodies’ do not metabolize food and nutrients correctly b/c their body is “out of balance”. The glyco proteins in Glyconutrients, provide your body the raw materials it needs to encourage your body to ‘self-correct’ any imbalances.
“Your body is an amazing health machine that can heal itself of disease if you give it the proper nutrition.”
Glyconutrients should be taken in conjunction with a GOOD multi-vitamin. They are not a replacement for a healthy diet and multi-vitamin supplementation. The addition of Glycontrients to your diet will enhance the efficacy of your wellness regime (proper nutrition and vitamin...