While the idea of owning your own holiday home and going into the holiday let business is a very exciting and profitable prospect, you might come to a full stop when you face reality about how you are going to finance your new venture. However there is help in the way of specialist online brokers, so when it comes to the financing part you should go to a broker for holiday home mortgage offers.
However bear one thing in mind there are a lot of lenders out there offering holiday home mortgage offers but as you know very little about the matter you should avoid them and instead stick with a broker as they have an overview of the whole market place. This applies especially if you are thinking about letting the property instead of just having it for the purpose of your own holiday home. When going down this road mortgages get even more complicated and expert advice is essential if you want the best mortgage available to suit your needs.
As a very rough guide the typical holiday home mortgage will provide up to a maximum of between 70% and 80% of the value of your holiday property. Along with this the majority of lenders will insist that there is a minimum amount for...