Gods existence had created enormous arguments among philosophers, scientists and other thinkers or believers. Some of these arguments questioned the necessity of having a god. So do we really need a god? First, we should tackle what is god and who is god or gods. There are many different definitions of a god or gods as there were many different religions and beliefs that existed in our world since the ancient time until the present. But obviously, the common characteristics of a god are his mighty powers and his supreme ability to create. Christians, Muslims, Hindus and other religions believe in a god or gods who created the universe, the heaven and the earth. God is described as the mighty creator who is perfectly benevolent and just. Although religions specifically had different gods, we will discuss the typical god with his power, kindness, justice and creativity. Therefore all religions and believers of god should unify sometime for this article for a god is so necessary for religions to exist. As contrary to this, atheists and materialists dont believe in the existence of god, so as the necessity of having a god. The necessity of having a god who truly exists has...