Dragon Ball Z is an anime show that has gone from cult following to smash sensation in the United States. What started out as a cult following among high school and college students has spread to enjoy a more mainstream popularity among these younger groups, while continuing to expand through other demographics. A Japanese creation, this show in many ways opened the door for others to follow.
Dragon Ball Z is the middle instillation of a three part anime trilogy. The whole thing started out with Dragon Ball, then went to Dragon Ball Z, and finally ends with Dragon Ball GT. While Dragon Ball had a cult following, it was Dragon Ball Z that really caught mainstream popularity in the United States. Dragon Ball Z started as a Japanese manga comic in the 1980’s. Since then it has exploded into a truly international phenomenon spawning over 500 episodes, 17 movies/features and generating over $3 billion in merchandise, making it perhaps the most successful anime/mange in history. Dragon Ball Z has hit number one internationally, including the United States, Japan, France, Spain, Hong Kong, and Mexico.
Dragon Ball Z follows the adventures of Goku, who along...