While golf clubs and golf balls are an essential part of a golfers equipment, there are other things that are important too. A serious golfer needs some other tools in his arsenal to ensure that he has a great golfing experience, and to make sure that his game is at its best at all times.
The list of tools is massive, but some of the most important ones include markers, score keeping devices, and golf clothing.
Everyone Needs Golf Markers
When putting on the green there are certain rules of golfing etiquette that need to be followed. One of those rules is that the player who is the furthest away from the cup gets to putt first. Therefore, it is important that golf balls situated between the furthest ball and the cup be removed so that the furthest player has a clear shot at the pin. Golfing etiquette allows for the ball to be picked up and marked with a golf marker.
A golf marker is a very useful piece of equipment. It is a rounded peg, which is attached to a thin platform. When you pick up your golf ball you insert the peg into the green, and it marks the position of your ball. Markers can be made of any material plastic, wood, or metal, and...