Golf strength exercises are a must for any golfer wanting to improve power output; decrease injury; improve accuracy and consistency, and slow the effects of the aging process for senior golfers.
There is more and more information coming out about golf strength exercises, but some of it is a bit misleading. What constitutes golf strength exercises? And what are the benefits of doing them once you recognize the difference between golf strength exercises and general fitness exercises?
First offa sport specific approach is needed. In analyzing the physical requirements of the golf swing, we know several things right up front.
It takes place on your feet. You are in a very dynamic and athletic body position (golf posture). You maintain this position while you swing a 3 foot long lever at up to 100 mph. There is a definite sequence of motion required. Maintaining balance, stability and coordination are a must.
Okaynow that weve briefly recognized just some of the physical requirements for an optimal golf swing, what would be the approach to your golf improvement program?
Since the golf swing takes place on your feet, you would definitely want...