Having a golf swing problem and not being able to correct it is the norm these days. Millions of golfers every year walk off the course in frustration. They all have a golf swing problem and have tried to fix it the traditional way.
What I meanis going to an instructor who can very easily point out what the golfer is doing, but cannot necessarily get to the root of the problem. So many times the instructor will tell the golfer hes coming over the top and thats why hes slicing the ball.
Or maybe hes got the chicken wing in his follow through. But what does all that mean if you cant get to whats the cause and effect of that golf swing problem?
Im here to tell you that many golf swing problems are caused by your bodys inability to perform optimal golf swing mechanics. Let me say that again. Your body is the culprit. If you dont take a look at what the physical issue is, you can take all the lessons you want and you will continue to have the same golf swing problem.
Let me give you a specific example.
You have a hard time staying in your posture during your golf swing. Youve taken many lessons and your golf instructor keeps telling you...