Golf : Tips For Hitting A Great Shot Nearly Every Time
If you hit a great shot every time, you would be world champion!
But if you follow these tips you will hit a great shot nearly every time and at least make a major improvement in your game:
Once the swing gets down to the so called hitting area correctly, the chance of its going wrong is very slight.
Yet, golf being the strange game that it is, there is still the possibility of the good swing going off the track at this late stage.
In both the good swing and the bad, though, when the flaws appear they appear for basically the same reason-trying to “help” the club head get to the ball.
They will appear in the good swing when the player loosens his left-hand grip slightly and collapses his left elbow.
As the result of these actions there comes a peculiar body movement, a sort of heaving action, as though the player were trying, with the body, to help the swing or help hit the ball. It is a very strange contortion indeed.
In this movement the loosening left-hand grip and the collapsing left elbow have the effect of bringing the club up sharply instead of...