Believe it or not, there are rascals inhabiting this very planet, their consequence emanates from under the woodwork everywhere, and arrives without warning at your inbox.
These communiqus, in the form of emails, are simply the result of people who have gone phishing, not to be confused with the term gone fishing, a practice no one seems to object to except maybe the fish. Still these rogues are after a fish, and the fish my friend is you!
Phishing employs both technical schemes and reliance on your lack of caution, to gain your personal identity and financial information data.
The way they hook their victim is through a cloaked link (the bait) leading their unsuspecting fish, thats you, to a counterfeit website carefully designed to trick their catch (you) into divulging private financial data such as, credit card numbers, usernames, passwords, social security numbers, and so forth.
These traps are intermingled with everyday spam, or whatever passes as spam, littering your inbox. In reality, ordinary spam is merely bothersome at worst, requiring its disposal through excessive use of the delete key, yet phishing can be far more...