I wanted to take a few minutes and write to you about something that is vitally important in building websites with Google Adsense for fun and profit.
Im sure that youve heard this before, but Im going to beat a dead horse right now, because its really, REALLY important to understand, and newbies and even experienced people STILL dont get it (or maybe want to get it).
Let me shout this from the rooftops, so all will hear it…
Without good content, your venture into Google Adsense, and getting any kind of profits from Adsense is going to be tough, tough tough.
In fact, Id say that it was almost impossible to generate any long term profits without good, solid content of some kind on your website.
Content is something that you simply cant ignore, and it’s a crime above crime if you do. Search engines love content and depend on it to kick back quality content results to its end users, people like you and me, or that guy who’s looking for what you’ve got to give him, whether it’s actual products, a service or just a Google Adsense ad.
Without good content for search engines to use and direct people to you, your...