The Google Page Rank algorithm, also known as PR, seems to give more importance to the impact of a scientific article rather than to its quoting number.
For the ones that dont know, traditionally, to measure an articles importance there the method is to have citing number, meaning all the times that that article has been quoted by somebody else. The idea is that if many different people quote an article, this means that this article is worth while and important. Well, apparently Google isnt looking only to this, but also to the content of the article.
Researchers have found out that the Google algorithm, when measuring a web sites importance , offers a systematic method to find important articles . The google index proved better that the traditional method to find the really good scientific articles, that weret that much quoted by others but which were proven to be of a very high value.
Sidney Redner and Pu Chen from the University of Boston and Huafeng Xie and Sergei Maslov from the National Laboratory of Brookhaven found out that certain articles that proved to be very influential . Like the article of Wigner and Seitz, from 1933 “On the...