Is it really dead?
In an online forum post from (A discussion on Google), people from all over are speculating about what is going on. In fact, one member was quick to point out that the last big shift Google had, we saw the PR system go down as well. This begs the question…
Are we on the verge of a BIG PR shift? or,
Are we seeing a Google marketing scheme just to shake people up?
In many ways, Google needs to be improved upon their “broken down PR system”. There are so many areas if they payed attention to forums and blogs all around the world, they would have more than enough feedback about their PR system to fix this growing PR issue.
Page ranking is a potentially a great system. It CAN be a great system if it directly ranks websites properly by content, relevance, and not simply by the number of links pointing to an individual website.
These days, you see a website with 15 “medium relevant” links pointing to it while its front page holds a PR of 7-8 out of 10. How do you justify that?
What will it mean if Google’s PR systems stays down?
I believe it will mean a big...