I do not adhere in the majority of the existing theories on the conspiracy of Google. I do not believe either that Google gives a preference to the Web sites which announce in its program of AdWords, or which it moves away certain sites from the first pages to encourage them to announce.
I do not believe that Google tries some way that is to differently control their markets than in a normally competing way. And I do not believe that Google is really super-arms military secret. I really believe that Google has good intentions. But these intentions continue to frighten me. Finally, which I think of Google is pure gamble, based on facts easily available, but this speculation on Google seems to be today the pastime of many people.
It is not a wonder: after all, Google is simply the company more intrigante which has honoured our economy for 10 years. I believe that Google has good intentions, but as good as they can be, the result of their success frightens me. The creators of Google must be platonists If Plato always lived, it would probably work for Google. Google is in search of ideal, even if this one is finally inaccessible. With the difference of the majority...