Search Engine Optimization is basically a research work to rank high in search engines. It is a research work because the ranking of a site keeps changing according to the various algorithms of various search engines. There are many Search Engine Optimization Company working in this area. An optimizers needs to keep a constant eye on these algorithms, study them and optimize their sites accordingly. Thus a SEO has a lot to study as there are so much search engines with their own algorithms. The most popular of these search engines are Google, Yahoo, MSN, Alta-Vista, Lycos etc.
Google Algorithms and Updates
Google is considered as king of Search Engines. It has most the most confidential and complex algorithm ever yet. Beyond, Search Engine Ranking Position [SERPs], it gives Page Rank to every site depending upon their back links. Still, it doesn’t not allow you to increase your back links by any other means. Google updates their algorithms after sometimes and that algorithm update is considered very important among the optimizers. The recent algorithm update of Google ended up in December 2005 and was known as Jagger Update. It was the first update after...