Googles’s Google News Redefines Internet Standards For Midia Reporting And Organization
Among Its Many Other Successes, Googles Google News Has Redefined Internet Standards for Media Reporting and Organization
With so many services available on the World Wide Web it is often a difficult task to pick out the contenders from the pretenders. However, Google, based in California makes it easy to differentiate the fakes from the real news providers.
Breaking news on Google is easy to access. Google news is completely automated and made its debut in 2002. Finally, on January 23, 2006, the beta trial ended and now the breaking news on Google service is available in over 20 languages.
One of the most refreshing aspects of Google News is the elimination of journalistic bias: the service is completely automated so that no human judgment works its way into the equation.
These days it seems like all major news reporting services are slanted. Left wing, right wing it is contamination of honest, truthful reporting. It is refreshing to have an outlet that just reports news instead of tuning it to fit certain needs.
Breaking news on Google is a...