Graduation. It is an important event no matter if happens at the end of preschool, high school or medical school. Graduation is important because not only does it mark the end of a season, but it also marks the beginning of something great. It signifies a great accomplishment that has been made by a lot of hard work and a big commitment to finishing well.
I am so glad that graduation exists because I am someone that needs to see the light at the end of the tunnel in order to keep going strong. I need to see the end goal or I often get lost in the busyness of the process. And graduation does just that. It keeps me going, it gives me something to aim for, and it puts an end to whatever I am doing, whether it is been easy or hard.
It is important that graduations are celebrated and that the people graduating feel like the people they love are proud of them. Everyone who has gotten through high school remembers how hard it actually was. The late nights spent cramming for tests or writing huge papers and the long days of taking tests or giving presentations. Learning how to make good friends and surround yourself with good people is just one of the many challenges...