Truly I tell you, gratitude is the key to abundance. For if you are grateful, surely you will experience an increase in all the good things you feel you are deserving in Life.
Gratitude does not come from a this is too good to be true feeling. Nor does it come from feelings of lack and desperation, such that you are dependent upon external factors as if the world owes you anything. Gratitude comes from a realisation, a proper understanding of things, that goes as deep and as true as that of a mothers love for her child.
Thankfulness cannot be faked or forced. You can train a child to say Thank You when he is given something good, but you cannot cause him to truly experience deep feelings of gratitude and appreciation in his heart.
Perhaps this is why grateful people have always been in short supply. I am referring to the truly grateful, not the masses that only profess gratefulness by the tongue but do not possess it in the depths of their hearts. However, like any other tendencies, true gratefulness can be slowly and steadily instilled in ones being by consistent and diligent observation and practice.
How does abundance come into the picture of...