The Law of Attraction works in a very simple way. Whatever you place your attention on grows bigger. Put another way – you get more of what you focus on! Or, put another way – what your attention rests on expands! This is the very foundation upon which the Law of Attraction works.
In order to fully utilize this law and, thus create the life you want, you need to be very careful about where you are placing your attention. You need to be aware that all the negative or positive thoughts you are having are creative. The Law makes no differentiation between positive and negative. If a thought, any thought, is maintained for a mere 60 seconds the Law of Attraction immediately begins the manifestation of that thought. Every single time!
So regardless of what it is you are thinking about, no matter what it is, it only takes 60 seconds to begin manifesting it. This sounds great to the beginner. Wow, 60 seconds to the life of your dreams. All you have to do is sit quietly for 60 seconds, think about what you want and the Law of Attraction will bring it to you effortlessly. However, it gets a little more complicated than that!
When most people first learn...