If you want to get a great cake for dessert, you would go to a bakery to get it wouldn’t you? That is, unless you are a great baker yourself. So if you want to have the best coffee beans, shouldn’t you go to a coffee bean baker? Well, perhaps they won’t be called coffee bean bakers, but these specialty shops are in the business of baking coffee bean nice and fresh. If you have ever used freshly baked coffee beans in your cappuccino maker to make cappuccino, you will know what the fuss is about. Many of these stores are real specialty locations and employ skilled roasters who roast the beans by hand, ensuring consistency and perfection throughout.
This type of roasting is truly an art, and the specialists who do it consider themselves artists. Each coffee bean is examined for size, shape, color and density. Each of these factors will affect how the bean roasts. A larger bean needs to be roasted longer, for example. When each bean is treated individually in this way, the result is a perfect blend of flavor. You cannot compare a supermarket cake to a cake from a master baker; you cannot compare beans roasted individually with mass roasted beans....