The world has certainly become a smaller place and traveling to far corners of the globe on business or vacation is fast becoming commonplace. If youd like to jump onto the traveling bandwagon but are worried about not having the budget for it, here are few tips for having a great holiday while still managing to not break your bank balance.
Major traveling expenditures include airfares, car rentals and hotel stay. Take a look at some of the ways you could save money in each of the three categories.
Saving Money on Airfare
Avoid traveling during the holiday season when fares are most expensive and many flights are blacked-out even for frequent fliers. The earlier you book your air tickets the higher the chances of finding the lowest airfare. The internet is the best place to look for low fares and special deals offered by different airlines to various destinations. Keeping your travel dates flexible increases your chances of finding the best deal possible.
Saving Money on Hotel Stay
Book your hotel s soon as youve finalized your travel plans. Cheaper hotel rooms tend to get sold off earliest. However do compare package deals of various...