Sending a simple hi and hello to a long time friend or someone you just met at the train station has become much easier these days. You can just log on to your computer, type you message and click the send button. You can also just dial his or her number and in an instant you can talk to him or her and extend your greeting. Modern technology has indeed changed the way people communicate with each other. But just the same, even though online cards, emails and chats are on the rise these days, the potential of greeting cards can never be overlooked.
For business owners, being a good boss and businessman means more than asking an employee to make him a cup of coffee or doing business with a customer today and forget about them in the next couple of months. It means having constant communication with them and remembering them even in ordinary days.
Sending greeting cards to family and friends is a custom that goes back about two hundred years ago. In the past, they were mostly sent by the rich and the elite. Most of the greeting cards were hand delivered and quite expensive but they gained mass popularity with the introduction of the postage stamp. Today, greeting...