There is indeed a link between group hypnosis and weight loss.
Medical breakthroughs have been discovered with the use of group hypnosis therapy among smokers which have led to studies associating hypnosis on the treatment of obese patients hoping to lose weight the natural way.
Similar to therapy sessions for smokers, group hypnosis therapy for weight loss treatments have also found conclusive positive results based on studies conducted all throughout the world.
Aside from the fact of group hypnosis being a treatment program and effectively causing results for obese and overweight patients, it also holds the promise of treatments ranging from alcohol abuse, drug addiction, substance abuse, pain and anger management, and even simple individual but annoying habits of nail biting, thumb sucking and bed wetting among younger patients.
Studies have revealed group hypnosis as one of the most effective and natural way of treating overweight patients through weight loss.
An article from the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, on a study conducted on hypnotherapy is weight loss treatment indicated that hypnosis is 30 times more likely to...