Grow Your Home Business – Three Sites To Have That Will Help
There are a lot of things that go into running a successful home business; and having an online presence is one of the most important. This is not necessary for all home businesses, but the majority of home businesses are the type that should have one. In many cases, the bulk of revenue of a home business comes from online activity.
A good place to start when it comes to online marketing is to learn and understand the three types of websites used in creating an identity on the internet. The three sites are: a branding site, sales letter and a squeeze page. Listed below are these three types of sites and a brief description of each. This will give you a better understanding of each one and help you decide which ones, if not all, will help your home business grow.
Branding Site- This is a site typically used to promote the individual behind the business, or the actual business. This type of site usually will contain link titles such as home, about us, products and affiliate links. To help you understand this site a little better just look at the name branding site, the word ...