Given this backdrop of explosive growth opportunities, the challenges for VAR executives becomes managing for revenue growth and targeting the highest margin opportunities – in initial sales and throughout ongoing client relationships. Professional services automation software applications give VARs a competitive edge and make the difference between struggling to grow and harvesting profit from the abundant growth opportunities.
Advantages for VARs who use Professional Services Automation Software
1. Executive Insight
VAR businesses usually start by selling a primary set of products and services. As they become more successful, they add more products and services, ultimately bundling them up in ways clients want to buy them. Most VARs look at their business through “business practice” lenses – areas of marketing and delivery that bring together the multiple disciplines needed to constitute a client solution. Basic start-up system tools don’t fit any more, VARs need professional services automation software tools that manage and report products the way clients buy them, through the lens of a practice.
#Example of how PSA...