Credit cards are becoming increasingly vital in a wide range of situations. Have you ever tried to rent a car, or shop online without one? Its not easy. In fact, with the growth of shopping online, more frequent international travel, and people paying for goods and services over the phone, it is almost vital for an increasing number of people to have access to credit cards.
There are therefore, plenty of valid reasons why anybody would want a credit card these days. Gone are the days when credit cards were seen as the preserve of the rich, or very big spenders, who liked to bankrupt themselves, or spend a fortune on shopping sprees. These days, people need credit cards simply to go about their business without being stuck in situations where they have no methods of payment available to them in an increasing number of situations.
Guaranteed credit cards are a phenomenon that is becoming increasingly popular. It has come to the UK from the United States, as most credit card variations have done. For people with bad credit ratings, guaranteed credit cards are extremely attractive. There are adds on the television, the internet and pretty much everywhere, that...