If you are planning to buy is Private Jet for Personal use of Business there are several consideration to keep in mind before making the final decision. In this article I would be covering those few key elements which can help you make the right and positive judgment. This article will help you realize the true cost and benefit of the purchase of that Private Jet.
Be Specific in definition of your requirements:
You need to be very specific in determining how many hour you or the employees of your company fly each year. The standard is if you fly more then 300 hours per year then you need to consider a Corporate Jet which will be able to effectively full fill your travel requirements. On the contrary if you are flying less then 300 hours per year then you shouldnt go for Purchasing the Jet. An alternative to this is Partial ownership. You could very easily avoid many of the costs of becoming 100% of a Jet. If the need is not substantial then no need to pay thousands if not millions of extra dollars which could be easily saved.
Other factors need proper consideration too like insurance fees, fuel costs, food, charges of hanger etc. although you can have...